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trading room中文是什么意思

用"trading room"造句"trading room"怎么读"trading room" in a sentence


  • 贸易空间


  • Trading rooms now becomes as simple as having each user transfer their reservations to each other
  • If acquire the commodity house of droit , build room , allow to appear on the market oneself trading room changes room , economy applicable room
  • Today , i am pleased to see that we have a modest yet well equipped office with a small trading room and good presence in the london financial market
  • Even so , the impromptu trading rooms of ho chi minh city are beginning to resemble the london coffee - houses that incubated the ruinous south sea bubble in the early 18th century
  • We noticed that our internal power users had developed a different means to trade rooms : they simply verbally agreed to a room swap or surrender , and then put the other person s name in the reservation description field
    我们注意到,我们内部有权力的用户已开发出交换房间的另外一种方法:他们直接通过口头方式达成房间交换或放弃房间的协定,然后在reservation description字段中置入其他人的名字。
用"trading room"造句  
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